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PASSPORT  Provider


Andmore Care is a licensed PASSPORT Provider.  PASSPORT stands for Pre-Admission Screening System Providing Options & Resources Today. This program is under the administration of the Ohio Department of Aging, and is managed locally by the PASSPORT Administrative Agency.

  • Age 60 or older;
  • Financially eligible for Medicaid institutional care (for 2024, this means typically earning no more than $2,829 per month for one person and having no more than $2,000 in countable assets for one person, though individuals above this limit may be eligible based on the extent of their medical and in-home needs);
  • Frail enough to require a nursing home level of care; and
  • Able to remain safely at home with the consent of their physician.

You can elect for Andmore Care to provide you with a caregiver that has been credentialed and trained. Or, you can choose that person and we can provide the training, credentialing and certification for them. In other words, YOU choose who your provider is. You can choose a family member, friend, acquaintance, a neighbor, or in some circumstances a spouse or relative with a legal representative designation.

Andmore Care is able to walk you through the process if you are eligible to receive this benefit. We can happily provide you with our own certified PCA caregiver while your chosen caregiver is being credentialed by Andmore Care through our own proprietary training and credentialing process accepted by Department of Health and Ohio Department of Aging. 

We encourage you to participate in this program whether you want to use a caregiver of your choosing or decide to let us take care of providing you with our caregiver that is selectively chosen to best meet your needs goals with this program. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for the care that you may qualify for, contact us today!